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Surviving Bournemouth Uni Freshers!

So, you've arrived, but are you ready? Read our 'survival' list so you can keep up your A-game whilst at Uni. We've compiled our top tips on enjoying your first ever Freshers fortnight, making life easier for you.

1. Freshers' Flu is real. 🤢

We HATE to tell you this but you will most definitely get poorly. Drink water, sleep and eat as well as you can (add some vegetables to your super noodles). Take some vitamins or neck a berocca before your lectures to make sure all those nasty illnesses are kept at bay. You can get through the Freshers fortnight and make it to (most) of your first lectures. Just make sure you pack some tissues, you don't wanna be sniffing every five seconds. That is how to NOT make friends.

2. Socialise.

Come out of your room. Sit and chill in the lounge. This will allow you to meet more people and get to know people easier. Even knock on your housemates doors, maybe they're nervous to come out of their room so bite the bullet and knock away. Ask your new flat mates if they want to hit the beach or do a food shop with you. You'll be bezzies before you know it.

3. Visit your neighbours.

Knock on your neighbours doors, jump into the deep end and get to know everyone around you. If your door knocks at 8pm it's probably a nearby flat inviting you to a party and a banging club event at The Old Fire Station... so you should probably get that.

4. Decorate your room.

Home sickness will kick in around week 3/4. Be prepared and put up photos from home, posters, fairy lights etc. These can all help with feeling at home in halls. Ask your flat mates if they fancy an Autumnal trip to town. Primark will definitely be stocking their fluffy blankets by now!

5. Get some free support and advice if you need it.

Contact our friendly SUBU Advice squad. Message the team here if you need support with homesickness, housing, money, jobs or have worries about your course! They can be found in Your Students' Union building, Second Floor on Talbot Campus. If you're at Lansdowne Campus, you can find them in Bournemouth House: BG07.

6. Get to as many events as you can! 💃

Go to as many events as you can, meet as many people as you can and just have a great time. This is your Freshers - you can only get away with being this outrageous at uni right?

Check out the OFFICIAL programme guide here.

7. Try not to miss your first lectures.

Introduction information is super important. You don't want to get to second year and still not know how to use the Library. (This certainly didn't happen to the person writing this...😬)


Information on clubs and societies, job information, FREE PIZZA, BURGERS, BUBBLE TEA, ICED COFFEE AND MUCH MORE! Why would you NOT go?

9. Don't blow your money in first semester.

It can be really overwhelming getting your first loan and it's quite a big chunk of money to some people. It will disappear super fast. Read our money management blog with tips from current students here. Remember, budgeting can sometimes frighten you more than anything!


Take every opportunity university offers you. A bit of work experience? An extra lecture with a keynote speaker? All of this adds up and looks so good on your CV and of course adds to your overall university experience. You only go to university once but remember why you are here!



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